Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 2-3:13pm

Today has been going good. Not perfect, but good.

This morning I had a grande cinnamon dolce latte from Starbucks
Snacked on handful of almonds before lunch. I looked online how many calories are in dry almonds almost freaked out when I saw how much are in there! Why are they a good thing to snack on if they have so many calories?! Oh well, maybe I can find something else to keep my daily munchies down.

12pm Lunchtime! I always love lunchtime. Not just because I get to eat but because I get to take a break for an hour. I love it.
I made myself a turkey and r.b. sandwich no cheese! (every little bit helps) with lettuce and tomatoes. I was full afterwards, if it had not been right in front of me I probably could have stopped eating and been satisfied about 2/3 of the way in, but I ate it all. I got the feeling like I wanted to munch on stuff after but I held my ground and ended up getting a sprite and heading back to work.
Ok, I admit, I had ONE cookie. 60 calories ugh, but I did remember to take my multivitamin.

Chewing gum, drinking water and maybe a couple almonds here and there to hold over my cravings until dinner.

Today is my dad's birthday. I am going to use so much will power to resist the cake!

Day 1- Wrap up

Here is my day 1 wrap up.

Morning: Grande toffee nut latte

Lunch: 1 cup noodles, 1 cup spaghetti sauce, handful of almonds, handful of olives

Snack: grande iced nonfat vanilla latte, oatmeal cookie

Dinner: 6 inch pastrami sandwich from subway. had light pastrami in it.

Snacks: almonds, half oatmeal cookie

Like I have said before, recording my intake has kept me from overeating or eating out of convenience. Last night I could have munched on chips that were in front of me but I just had a glass of water and some almonds.

Exercise: I set up my parents' Wii and did a few warm up activities. Not exactly a cardio workout. I will step it up tomorrow.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 1-3:46pm


I did not have time to weigh myself on my lunch break so it will have to wait until I get home. Also, I plan to do some Wii Fit for at least 25 minutes to take care of my physical activity for today.

11:30am Lunch went ok. Being accountable to record everything I ate kept me away from the chewy chips ahoy cookies my parents have at their house. Yesterday I ate 3. I tried to avoid snacking as much as possible before my lunch and I did better than I usually do. Just a handful of olives and maybe a dozen almonds give or take. For lunch I had some left over spaghetti. 1 cup of dry noodles and 1 cup of sauce. That is a lot of sauce. I should have done half a cup in hind site. Also, I decided to start taking a daily multivitamin just to cover all my bases. When I got back to work, I felt full but not completely stuffed like I have a tendency of doing.

2:15pm My sister brought me a grande iced nonfat vanilla latte or as Jorge calls it "I am trying to lose weight, but its not going so well drink" haha. I was in a meeting for about 25 minutes and had 1 oatmeal cookie. I very well could have had a few but I limited myself to 1.

It is now 3:56pm and I am on my 4th bottle (0.9oz) of water.

So far, so good. Slow and steady wins the race.

Day 1-10:34am


At work since 8am. So far all I have had today is a grande toffee nut latte from Starbucks and .9 oz of water. I should probably start with a nice healthy breakfast but, to start a new way of eating AND kick my morning coffee seems a bit brutal for the first day.

I usually do not eat before lunch so I am not going through any real hunger pains (pangs?) right now. I am , however, craving a McDonald's cheeseburger which is really wierd since I probably go there maybe once a month if even that. There are donuts in the break room which I really had no desire for since I knew I would have to record it :)

I can usually maintain my hunger or appetite in the morning but it all seems to go down hill at lunch and after. I need to remember portion control and that I wont die if I take a little longer to eat my meal instead of consuming food like it was alcohol for Lindsay Lohan on St. Patty's Day.

I will weigh myself at lunch and take my measurements...

Note to self: starvation and depravation doesn't lead to my long term health goals. Carry almonds and healthy snacks to curve cravings. One day at a time.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I hope this works...Pre Day 1

Tired. unproductive. chubby. The list goes on.

I am sick of feeling this way. I have felt and seen my weight increase at a faster pace in the last couple months than I am comfortable with. I am going on a cruise in the middle of August. I am always tired.

Any one of these alone are should kick my butt into action but they didn't so when they combined and joined forces....I realized I need to do something about it. Which, brings me to this. I am going to be brutally honest with anyone who reads this, including myself. I will keep record of my measurements, my weight, details of my eating habits, how long I worked out, if I worked out at all, and I am also going to post if I am having trouble. Those times when I feel like I would rather break my arm than resist that donut in the break room.

Knowing that tomorrow will be day one is tempting me to eat whatever I want and however much of it I very well please. I'll let you know how that works out. So here's to accountability, to will power and hopefully I will get somewhere with this and not just record weight gain progression.

This isn't going to be a diet because I do not intend on following any sort of method which has failed me (or should I say, I have failed it) in the past.

I am actually pretty excited. Of course, this excitement comes from knowing this adventure begins tomorrow I can shove a 5 cookies in my mouth right now if I wanted to and not tell anyone yet ;)